Monday, July 6, 2015



(Matthew 4:10)  "Get out of here, Satan," Jesus told him. "For the Scriptures say, 'You must worship the LORD your God and serve only Him.'"

Satan here tempted Jesus with another short cut. He was made prince of this world when Adam bowed to him and his temptation in the Garden of Eden. So, what he was offering Jesus was indeed his to offer for the time being. But the offer was a short cut that would have ended any hope of our salvation. God’s plan was for Jesus to beat Satan at the cross by paying the penalty for our sin.

Jesus’ response is to answer again with scripture which is a good reason for us to be as familiar with the Word of God as possible. Read it. Think about it and memorize it.

His response, “'You must worship the LORD your God and serve only Him.’”, goes along with (Exodus 20:3) "You must not have any other god but Me.” And (Deuteronomy 6:13a) “You must fear (reverence or worship) the LORD your God and serve Him.”

On this topic of worshiping only God I like what John Piper says.

“Q 4: Is God an idolater?
A: No. He has no other gods before him.

This is not megalomania because, unlike our self-exaltation, God’s self-exaltation draws attention to what gives greatest and longest joy, namely, himself. When we exalt ourselves, we lure people away from the one thing that can satisfy their souls—the infinite beauty of God. When God exalts himself, he manifests the one thing that can satisfy our souls, namely, God.

Therefore, God is the one being in the universe for whom self-exaltation is the most loving act, since love labors and suffers to enthrall us with what is infinitely and eternally satisfying, namely, God. Therefore, when God exalts God and commands us to join him, he is pursuing our highest, deepest, longest happiness. This is love, not megalomania.”

The other thing Jesus said to Satan is, "Get out of here, Satan," which is a good strategy for us whenever temptation arises. James tells us, (James 4:7) “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Thus I give you this advice, humble yourself to God first, and worship Him first. This will make resisting the enemy easier. Someone once said, “When temptation comes knocking at your door, ask Jesus to answer it.”

Note that Jesus did not argue with Satan. He stated the facts and told him to get lost. It will do me and you no good to carry on a conversation with the evil one. He is smarter than either of us and has a way of clouding our judgment if we give him much time to do so. Therefore, act fast in worshiping God, in fact, make that a daily, moment by moment practice so you are always ready to tell Satan to get lost.

Father in heaven, may we live our lives in a state of constant worship, awe and wonder of You. May the enemy find it hard to speak to us because our hearts, minds, souls and strength are always focused on You. In Christ Jesus holy name we pray, AMEN!!!

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