Friday, October 30, 2015



If you take the time to go back and read Matthew 10 slowly and take note of the cost of following Christ it can be a bit daunting. Therefore, I urge you to also take note of the blessings and promises that come with an intimate, obedient relationship with Jesus. And that is what I’m going to focus on here today.

VS 8. You will have the power of the Holy Spirit working through you as you share what you have been freely given.

VS 9. You will have the opportunity to trust God for His provision along the way.

VS 18. You will have the opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

VS’ 19-20. You will have the Holy Spirit speaking through you. Have you ever finished a conversation realizing you said some pretty amazing things with some awesome wisdom and then realized that God spoke through you? That brings me an incredible sense of peace and joy.

VS 22. When you endure to the end you will be saved. This is so much more than what we think of as eternal life. This is the Greek word, “sōzō ,“ which means to be made completely whole. Anything the enemy takes from you will be completely restored.

VS’ 29-31. God cares for you. Everything you face He knows about. Nothing is hidden from His all-seeing, loving eyes. Because of that you need fear nothing.

VS 32. Jesus talks about you to the Father.

VS 39. You will find real life. Your life will not be meaningless, rather it will be abundant.

VS’ 41-42. You get rewards, the same rewards as prophets and righteous people.

Father in heaven, thank you that Jesus didn’t sugar coat the cost of following Him, and that You offer us such wonderful blessings along the way. May we be faithful and may our eyes be upon the prize of the high calling of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!

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