Matthew 7:15-20 "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless
sheep but are really vicious wolves.
You can identify them by their fruit, that is,
by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from
thistles? (17) A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad
fruit. (18) A good tree can't
produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can't produce good fruit. (19) So every tree that
does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. (20) Yes, just as you can
identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.
This passage takes us back to the question of judging. If we
are to judge nothing then we must throw this passage out which would put us at
the mercy of false prophets and evil people. And here we must determine what is
in the heart of another person. This seems like a hard contradiction of what we
understood at the first of this chapter.
First we must understand the Greek word used for “produces.”
It is a word with a tense we do not have in the English language. It is a
prolonged tense or an on-going tense. We only have past, present and future
tenses. So, this word, “produces” means “continues to produce bad (or good)
In Luke
13:6-9 Jesus tells a parable about a man who planted a fig tree. For 3
years he was disappointed because it didn’t produce any figs. He was ready to
have it removed and destroyed, but the gardener asked for one more year giving
the fig tree special attention. Thinking about this parable gives me clarity in
what appears to be a contradiction in Matthew 7. We are not to make quick
judgments, but we are to judge actions and if someone refuses to repent of bad
actions, attitudes, or fruit, then we cannot follow them. We should not make
them our close confidants. Again, this is an on-going problem, not a one time
or occasional issue that someone struggles with but recognizes as sin in their
own life.
A thought that may help clarify this: False prophets and evil
people will generally try to justify their sin or deny it. We all sin. None of
us have arrived and therefore any judgments we make about whether we can stick
with someone or need to move on should take prayer and time to make.
Recently a brother in Christ worked for a very charismatic “Big
Name Preacher” for a season. The ministry site is large boasting a college and
even a small jet to get the pastor around to speaking engagements. This brother
in Christ soon began to see fruit that was ungodly. I believe the term he used
was “raping the bride of Christ, by manipulative tactics.” The properties of
that ministry had gotten to be so big that a large portion of every service was
given to convincing people to give more to that ministry. The people on staff
were constantly verbally abused if things didn’t go the way the pastor thought
they should go. When the pastor would be confronted about his actions he
responded with, “That’s just the way I am.” After about a year and a half this
brother and friend judged the tree as not worth following and he moved his
family away from there.
I share that story to encourage all you believers to look at
the real fruit in the leaders you follow. Don’t judge it good fruit just
because the preacher is charismatic, or tells funny stories, or keeps you interested.
Know what is right, live what is right and be honest about your own sin and
struggles. Follow people like that.
Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word that gives us
direction. Help us to be honest with ourselves and with You. Give us eyes to
see truth about the fruit in our own lives as well as the on-going fruit in our
leaders. Bless our leaders by drawing them to holiness in You. Help them not to
stumble in sin, and when they do sin give them, give us, quick hearts of
In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!
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