Tuesday, August 25, 2015



Matthew 7:6 "Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.

This verse may seem harsh, especially in light of what has just been said about judging. The Greek word for the phrase, “people who are unholy,” is literally the word, “dogs.” Both dogs and pigs are unclean animals in Jewish dietary laws. Here they represent attitudes of contempt and rejection of truth.

Even though we are not to judge a person’s character or motives we still have the responsibility to warn the lost, and to correct our brothers and sisters who are walking in sin. Before we do this we are to search our own hearts and confess our own faults. Once this is done we can speak from a pure heart that desires the salvation of the lost and the reconciliation of our siblings in Christ. But what if they refuse to hear, or choose to mock us or worse? Hear what Christ told the disciples when He sent them out two by two. Mark 6:11 But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate."

Arguing with those who refuse to hear is like giving precious stones to pigs or giving something holy to a dog. In recent days I’ve seen several pictures of dogs who have all matter of destruction around them because it is in their nature to chew. One such picture shows a large dog with an innocent look on its face.  Behind the dog is a door, or at least what is left of a door hanging from one hinge. The entire bottom half of the door is shredded all over the room. The caption underneath says, “There was a spider. It’s dead now. You’re welcome.”

We can look at a situation like that above and chuckle at the humor, but it is serious business to save a soul from hell or turn a brother from some destructive behavior. If he mocks the holy message or disdains the truth we have no other recourse. Arguing will only aggravate the hearer and probably anger us. In our anger or frustration we will find ourselves sinning. I once heard a preacher say, “Don’t try to bathe a pig. It wastes your time, aggravates the pig and you will both just wind up covered in mud.”

So, don’t climb into the slop with them. No, instead knock the dust from your feet as a witness against them and walk away. Let God be their judge. You go onto the next person who will hear.

Father in heaven, grant us clarity of thought and wisdom when we must correct a brother and when we share the Gospel. May our lives preach loudest and may our words be shared with love and truth. Send Your Holy Spirit ahead of us to prepare the lost to hear, repent and be saved. Soften our own hearts to receive rebuke when we need it. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!

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