Matthew 6:22-23 "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body.
When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. (23) But when your eye is
bad, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you
have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!
There is much said about spiritual blindness and sight in the
scriptures. Let us look at these two verses in light of what Jesus has said
thus far in this chapter.
A good eye looks to give as quietly as possible because someone
has a need. It looks to pray secretly because it sees its own need for the Father
daily and the same need for its siblings. It looks to forgive quickly because
it sees that it has been forgiven. It looks to fast quietly because it knows
how much it needs the Father. And that eye is wide open and the light of God
shines into the body through that eye and to it God gives His reward in His
A bad eye looks to be admired and to receive the praise of
men. It gives with much fanfare when others are watching. It prays in public
with many words and much false humility for the sake of those listening. It
watches through a squinted eyelid for others to get the retribution coming to
them and even looks in a conniving and secret manner for ways to bring it
about. It fasts with a long, sorrowful face groaning about its sacrifice for
“the sake of God.” All the while its lids are barely slit so
it can keep a watch on who is recognizing and adoring him as some great, sacrificing
guru of the faith. That eye thinks it is letting in light, but it is only darkness
that enters, a very loathsome dank darkness. The only reward it will see is the
praises of those caught up in man worship. In the end those rewards will be as
empty as the darkness that fills its heart.
The good eye is always looking to the Father and seeking Him and
His Kingdom. The bad eye is always looking out for itself.
Father in heaven, be our eye doctor today. Search the motive
of all we do and cleanse it, make it pure and holy. Wash all impure motives
from our eyes and hearts. Do laser surgery if necessary, but give us eyes that
are holy and wholly given over to You and Your purposes and then our lives will
be filled with Your light for Your glory. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!
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